McCalls 2017 Early Spring Patterns
I can't believe that it is time for the spring (even early spring) patterns to be released. This has been a crappy year for me, but the one good thing is that it passing quickly. I've barely sewn any winter wear and the spring patterns are coming out. Oh well good thing I can multitask, because I'm going to continue with my winter sewing and daydream about my future spring sewing at the same time. Below are my thoughts on McCalls latest releases. If you haven't seen them head on over to the McCalls site. Be sure to share your must haves in the comments!
Definite buys
This pattern is the only one I feel I have to have. I love colorblocking and anything that has the potential to hid my tummy. M7538 combines the two by offering criss-cross colorblocking in the midriff for a slimming effect as seen in View C. I don't care for the top, View A, I just don't get it. All the other views are a win. If I can find this pattern soon I'll like make View D for the winter in a wool jersey.
If you follow me you know I love dresses, so it's no wonder that the two patterns I like the most from this release are dress patterns. If I never bought another dress pattern I'd still have more than enough, but I must have M7534. I love all the views, but View D (the maxi) is what will be sewn first. I love a flowy maxi and a wrap bodice. View A will definitely be sewn as well and I really like the tabbed cuff sleeve of View B. The only view I don't see myself making is C because I'm not huge on overlay, but maybe if I find a lightweight eyelet fabric.
At first glance I was attracted to M7539, but I'm not sure it will work for me. The jumpsuit, View D is what really caught my eye, but I'm not sure it will work for my body type. I like the dress on the model, but for the life of me I do not understand why the pattern companies use busy fabrics that camouflage all the details. Can you even see the the pockets on the models dress? I couldn't until I zoomed in. The other dress, view A, is also nice though simple. I can justify buy this pattern just for the dress views though, so I have to decide how I feel about the jumpsuit before I call it a yay or nay.I've been wanting a pair of overalls for a while now. I think I first started looking at them
in the spring when I noticed they were coming back. At first I just wanted to buy a pair and I searched at Target and Old Navy, but they never fit quite right. So of course my next thought was I can just make a pair. I already own Kwik Sew 4138 which has a looser fit, but I like the closer fit of M7547. Most of the RTW overall I've seen or either loose fit or skinny to the ankle. This pattern has a fitted bootleg jean that might be more flattering for me. Still I have occasional issues with jumpsuits in general so I'm not sure this pattern will make the cut.
I really love capes, hooded capes, wool capes, caped dress...any cape. So I should love M7541, a cape like top. Plus I always need more tops because they are not my favorite piece to make or buy. I really have to purpose to add them to my wardrobe. Somehow I'm not thrilled about this pattern and I'm not sure why. I might have to add more drama buy lengthening the back of the cape. We'll see.
I really love all the sleeve variations of M7542. The shape of the shirt, not so much. So I'm torn. I guess it's just supposed to be a basic top. I feel like I would need to lengthen it to prevent any possible belly peek. Or maybe I could lengthen it into a shift dress? IDK I'll revisit this one come spring.
Honorable mentions
[gallery ids="5588,5589,5587,5586,5585" type="columns"]M7540 There's something about the skirt of this pattern that I like, maybe the drama of the mermaid shape. On the other hand it looks a little "prom-ish" and I have no wear to wear it. I do like the jumpsuit but I have other fitted jumpsuit patterns (M7444 and M7366) that are close enough. I really hope Erica Bunker sews this up though, I could definitely see her in it.I think M7537 is a sweet looking dress that screams spring. I hate gathering though and this dress is nothing but gathers and more gathers, making it a no no for me. I can't wait to see other make it though.M7531 seems a copy of M6886 but with a back center seam and vent. It will be the answer to those who need a swayback adjustment in M6886. I could use a swayback but usually just choose to ignore the small pool of fabric on my back. Other have simply added seam allowance and cut the back piece in two pieces to make adjustments. This pattern does the work for you. If you don't own M6886 (first how do you not?) I'd say just by this pattern, it only adds one extra seam and may produce a better fit.It seems like everyone I know who sews sewed up an off the should dress last summer. I know I did. Most of us used Simplicity 8124 and I also own top pattern M7163 that could be lengthened to a dress). I think they are cute and flattering to just about anyone. That said this seems a bit late I'm not sure why I would buy M7543. Sure it adds a tie sleeve detail and pockets but I could do that myself.Lastly M7549 is gorgeous!!! I absolutely love View A. I just know myself and there is no way I am doing all that quilting, I'm just not. I could possible make the other views though.
Have you taken a look at the early spring release? Did I leave out any of your favorites? Are you even ready to start thinking about spring sewing yet?Look out next week for some girls clothing post. "The socialite" has at 4 new pieces I need to share. We've just got to do a mini photoshoot this weekend so I can post.