Tips for New Sewists
I consider myself sewing influencer, so of course I feel everyone should sew!
But the fact that you are here reading this post means you want to sew! So DO IT!
Do it!
If you’re considering making your own clothes - and if you’re here - you are, start now. My biggest regret is not starting sooner.
Have realistic expectations.
Your first attempts won’t be perfect. Remember sucking at something is the first step of learning something new.
Get familiar with your machine.
Learn to thread it, what the buttons do, practice stitches on paper. YouTube is a great free resource.
Start small.
You can skip the pillow cases and jump right into garment sewing just be sure to try simple projects like a pullover dress(no zippers or buttons), elastic waist skirt or t-shirt.
Watch the guide plate NOT the needle.
I think all newbies tend to want to watch the needle, but it will do what it’s supposed to do. Instead watch the seam guide on your needle plate to achieve straighter seams.