5 Reasons to Learn to Sew
Every sewist has their own reason for sewing regardless of what they sew (clothes, quilts, crafts or accessories). The fundamental reason for all, I believe, is the simple desire to create.
I always had the desire to sew in the back of my mind. I’m very much a technical person so I didn’t think being creative was really my thing, but once I started sewing I realized I have a strong creative side. After many years of wishing that I could create garments I wanted to wear that just didn’t exist in stores I decided to try my hand at sewing and the rest is history.
Through sewing you will
Tap into your creative side and personal style.
Do you ever see an outfit in a store or online that you love but they don’t have your size, you’d prefer it in another color or you think it’s overpriced? Wouldn’t it be great to recreate the look with your own spin? Or maybe you have fashion ideas that simply don’t exist in the market, you could start the trend.
Wear clothes that fit you!
Because our clothes should fit us not the other way aroung. Jumpsuits are something I never thought I could wear because they never fit my top and bottom, but since sewing they are one of my favorite items to wear. Do you have issues finding clothes that fit?
Practice self care
Many sewists share that sewing is self care. It’s their stress release, therapy, creative outlet, alone time and more. We all need something just for us.
Develop a skill that can make you money
Many sewists, like myself, are selfish sewers, but you could certainly start a side hustle with mending, alterations or selling your makes. It’s up to you whether to monetize your hobby, but it is an option.
Repair or alter your favorite pieces
Once you understand clothes construction you can repair, mend or adjust your existing wardrobe. Hopefully this results is less tossed garments which is great for you and the environment.